Train your Mind

Going away on vacations is a good opportunity to relax and reset your brain from work. But you have to take into account that it implies an additional effort once you are back to regain the momentum and get your work rhythm once again.

I believe that the brain works just like the body on the matter of how it gets trained and worked out. On the beginning it requires strong and continuous workout on a prolonged time in order to build up. On the other hand maintenance training helps to not only to keep the desired state but to master the learned skills until they become instinctive and natural.

Inevitably if the training is halted you will notice how your body/brain starts to degrade on a much higher pace than what it took to build it all up. Gladly the come back its not difficult and all it requires is an integral warm up to remove the dust although getting back in shape is not achieved as fast as the degradation process it is significantly faster than the original effort.

This is where the maintenance training gains its importance because its the one that gives you the ability of assimilate those skills and make them part of you. Instinctive and natural.  And those are the ones that let your body and brain assimilate and recover faster after the inactive periods.

Then by this analogy I try to express the idea that learning is not something you do once and then forget about it thinking that you will be able to use that knowledge long after. Learning just like working out your body is something that needs to be reinforced, maintained, tested. You need to keep the momentum! Never let it stop!

Train your Mind...

Also would like to share this photo from my last vacations
Sardinia '11 you can enjoy your vacations without worrying about the return.


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