6 Years later

So yes, it’s been a while again.
It's nice to see this blog and my previous post as a time-back machine. 6 years ago before the whole mobility and cloud explosion I began wondering what the future of the online world would be. Back then I had the idea that sooner or later end user Operating Systems would be committed to an intensive diet. And on my opinion looks like I was looking on the right direction.
Maybe the already fat ones haven't slimmed down much. But we have a new breed of systems where the main action occurs backstage. On the cloud... yes the buzz word of the moment. The best example of it is the Chrome OS. A system born on a minimalistic approach where the Internet and the online services are the main providers of the potential of the world I imagined 6 years ago.
These internet based systems are trying to take our gadgets outside our desks and homes. We have gone already a long way with Androids and iOS's but I believe we haven't yet seen everything. There are some barriers we still have to surpass and one is the availability of a data network with enough coverage and that is capable of handling the load. To get to this not-so-far-away-future it is necessary that the service providers realize the existence of this whole world of opportunities. But also it is necessary visionaries that see a business providing and expanding the offer of content, tools and services.
There are some that have seen it…
I think I did.


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